


There are many different types of linear motors. Each type exhibits its inherent advantages and benefits to the user. Parker manufactures 3 styles of linear motors–ironless, ironcore, and an interesting variant known as the “slotless” design.

Product introduction:

There are many different types of linear motors. Each type exhibits its inherent advantages and benefits to the user. Parker manufactures 3 styles of linear motorsironless, ironcore, and an interesting variant known as the slotless design.

Linear motors are either offered as individual components or complete systems. Components, or “kits” (Fig. 3), consist of a motor coil and separate magnet rail. The coil assembly is known as the “forcer” or sometimes as the “primary” element. The forcer generally consists of the motor coil and an attachment plate or mounting bar which allows the coil to connect to the carriage. 

上一個: 步進電機
下一個: 直流伺服電機
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